A note from Elizabeth
Hi, Darlin!
This site is for every Nomi out there who had someone tell them to play small, to follow the rules, to be anyone but their true self. For every time someone said dance less wildly, speak more quietly, stop or you won’t be accepted… I hope that you paint your nails, overline your lips, and devour your French Fries like Nomi. Life is short, so grab life and go Andrew Carver on its ass.
Dance down every supermarket aisle like its your last day here, love like there is no tomorrow, celebrate your friends and only those who want the best for you, and always add glitter… lots of glitter. There is a goddess in all of us, waiting to rise like a fucking Phoenix out of volcanoes everywhere.
Thank you… all the love you’ve had for this movie has made it the cult film that it is. Whether this film has been your guilty pleasure, or whether Nomi’s own plight and fight have been YOUR anthem in life, I hope it has brought you comfort, joy and incredible memories while watching with your friends. Whenever you need to summon your inner Nomi, just own this merch as your tangible touchpoint and know I’m always right there with you!
Goddess Hands and Love,
Elizabeth aka “Nomi”